D∞kujeme, ₧e jste si nahrßli naÜi hru. Doufßme, ₧e se Vßm bude lφbit.
Ve h°e je jeden mal² problΘmek. Intro si m∙₧ete vychutnat jen s WinXP. Pokud je nßhodou nemßte, m∙₧ete si ho spustit samostatn∞. Je ve formßtu DivX, tak₧e pokud nßhodou nemßte kodek - www.divx.com.
Pokud by VßÜ mazlφΦek nestφhal poΦφtat grafiku, spis¥te Setup a zaka₧te co jde. Pokud zakß₧ete hudbu, tak si taky trochu pom∙₧ete. Hernφ minimum je Pentium 200 (sice u₧ je to zpomalene, ale jeste to jde - pokud zatnete vÜechny zuby a zav°ete oΦi)
Thank you for playing our game. We hope you'll enjoy it. There is a little problem with intro. If you don't have WinXP, it isn't possible to run intro from game. But you can open it using windows media player. It is encoded using DivX codec. If you don't have it, download it from www.dovx.com
If your computer is too slow to play this game, run setup and you can turn off some features to speed up the game. Minimum for this game is Pentium 200MHz. (It is a little bit slower, but still playable.)
The translation to English isn't full. You may find some forgotten czech vords there. Also the description of the cars isn't translated.
Hippo Games - 2002